Troubleshooting Tip — Windows Virtual Desktop (WVD)

Kumar Allamraju
2 min readMay 12, 2020


I came across this nice debugging feature available in WVD. This is also helpful to record your scenario (start/stop) and send it to support for further analysis.


I have provisioned a WVD “personal desktop” HostPool, created a workspace, application group and added this user to the application group. Now I tried to login to this desktop from web based client.

  1. Point your browser to
  2. Login as your Azure AD username and password.
  3. You will see the Desktops assigned to you. When you click on it, I was prompted with this error

4. I was looking for a way to debug this issue instead of contacting support. One of the fellow engineers told me to go to “About” section. You will find this at the top right section with 3 dots

5. Click on Start Recording.

6. Reproduce the issue

7. Stop the Recording. This gives us a trace log with more debug output.

8. Download this file on to your desktop.

9. You can view this file for further analysis or send it to one of the experts for further assistance. The error message clearly told me that this user I’m logging in as doesn’t have access to that particular VDI Desktop. It turned out for a direct assignment, you must assign the user to both the personal desktop host pool and a specific session host before they can connect to their personal desktop. If the user is only assigned to a host pool without a session host assignment, they won’t be able to access resources. I went to this page and executed this command to add the user to the session host.

Update-AzWvdSessionHost -HostPoolName <hostpoolname> -Name <sessionhostname> -ResourceGroupName <resourcegroupname> -AssignedUser <userupn>

After executing the above Powershell command, I was able to login to my personal VDI desktop successfully.



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